Friday, February 4, 2022

How is singing connected to our health? Can it improve your overall health? Can it make you happier?


It has long been said that singing lifts your spirits and that making music improves your mood!  Is this just a saying or is it real?  Can singing actually stimulate physical responses in our bodies that can have significant impacts on our health and well-being? Is this temporary or can it make a lasting difference to you overall well-being?  Life experiences and science tell us yes it is long lasting and yes its real!

What does it mean to be healthy and what does it mean to experience well-being?  How does this affect the singer physically?

Singing is a physical activity requiring fine motor control, physical stamina, and improves breathing and lung function. Singing requires coordinating breath, posture, and fine motor skills of very small muscles of the vocal folds.  It also regularly challenges the cardiovascular system which in turn lowers the resting heart rate and improves cardiovascular health (Maxfield, Journal of Singing March 2015).  Physically it makes you stronger.

There is a also a positive effect of singing on the immune system and our responses to stress.  Scientifically, singing increase SIgA an antibody that plays a vital role in mucosal immunity or protection to mucous membranes throughout the body.  It has also been associated with positive mood. Another plus.

What are the physical and emotional impacts associated specifically with solo singing?

Singing can be an anxiety inducing endeavor but if the singer copes successfully with that anxiety, the experience can result in positive emotions, relaxation, and a feeling of group fellowship and overall satisfaction with the performance Maxfield, (Journal of Singing, 2015)  So a little stress can have many benefits so long as it doesn't manifest itself in performance anxiety.  Raising the heart rate and getting the butterflies moving are good for us and our well being!

What are the physical effects of singing on our psychological well being?

Singing is said to improve our mood and sense of satisfaction as well as improve our personal growth and sense of purpose in life.  We often feel more energetic and relaxed after singing lessons or singing along with the radio.  Our muscles are more relaxed and our minds in better focus.  Its undeniable through science and our experiences that singing improves your physical and mental health! 

How can singing teachers put some of this information to use with students in lessons?

- Use both moments of just singing for singing's sake and technical challenges in lessons to balance the physical and emotional benefits of singing 

-Challenge students on a regular basis in a safe environment to elevate the stress response that is surmountable with regular Masterclasses and Studio Class in which students perform for eachother, 

- Encourage students how to critically evaluate their own performances and make necessary adjustments in lessons AND after Masterclasses.  Give them time and pause for their evaluation! 

The bottom line is that much developing science confirms that singing IS good for our health both physically and emotionally.  SO...get out there and get singing!

What are steps that can be taken by singing teachers and coaches to maximize health benefits of singing among their students?  

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