Study of music in the form of Voice lessons, Saxophone lessons, Chorus, Band, or participation in Drama and Musical Theater Productions have such a large impact on students. It is here that many students truly witness the concept that "Great Educators Make an Impression That Stays in Their Students Hearts Forever".
Many Years of Study--Part of this phenomenon is that it is and opportunity to have MANY years of study with the same teacher so there is continual development of the skills of and whole of a person.
Individual Voice Lessons or Instrumental Study is a one on one opportunity to help develop musical skills and impact students over the course of many years. As the students ability levels change, so does the teaching. As their musical tastes develop, so does their repertoire and exposure to repertoire they didn't even know existed.
Although choir, band, and drama directors deal with many students at a time (often in much larger groups than the average classroom), they often also have the pleasure of teaching the same students over many years. As students grow and change, teachers affect them in different ways. It is an ongoing continuum of learning where students grow from year to year thus creating a large impact on students.
Music and Drama as a Subject Touch the Heart and Soul
Music and drama study really touch the heart and soul of a human being. Whether it be interacting with the other musicians and thespians in the room and creating a unique bond through those interactions OR an individuals response to the music they are making that lifts their spirits and makes them feel good to create, the impact of these subjects on a person can be so profound.
Music and Drama Study Develop Many Aspects of a Person as a Whole:
Study of music and drama instill discipline, ability to accept and work with constructive criticism to make something the best it can be, encourage creativity and so many more things!
Stop and think as an adult: What are some of your fondest memories of your education in your youth? Many reply taking lessons, singing in choir, being in the musical, marching band. If not musically inclined it may be a particular group project or research which YOU did. Something that mattered or interested you at the time are what stick with us. Someone stirred that interest in you and the TOPIC fueled your interest.
Stop and think as a student: What are some of the things you remember the most fondly of your education so far? Is it taking voice lessons? Participating in band? Missing being on stage in a Musical Theater Production? Something stirred that interest in you (was it your teacher, your parents) and that TOPIC or how making the music, singing, acting, made you feel keeps you there.
ENJOY your moments in music and drama! Seek out opportunities available to you. Let music and drama teachers help you to explore all that is out there! In 2020 many opportunities are available in different formats due to social distancing. Some may be more likely on a 1 on 1 basis such as Voice Lessons- sign up to enjoy today! Others may be outdoor opportunities in small groups- let yourself enjoy all that you can and be impacted by Arts Teachers over many years! Trust me, you will never forget it!