Auditions can be a daunting thing or not! An audition is what you make of it. It is another opportunity to share what you do well with potential employers or casting auditors. What you do to prepare and what you do in the audition room both matter! Make the most of it by doing the following:
1. Preparation
- Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse and be prepared beyond your wildest dreams.
- Know the audition piece inside and out musically and dramatically
- Be accountable to present your BEST from making sure the language and music are well coached and the dramatic qualities of your pieces are exceptional.
2. Think of the Audition as a First Date - Put on your best clothes and be a good host!
- You want to make a good impression, so dress appropriately for the character and make eye contact when you shake hands with the auditors.
- Make the auditors comfortable in your presence
- SMILE and bring positive energy into the room
- You want the auditors to know you will be fun and pleasant to work with- show it!
- Be kind to your accompanist - they are your best ally in the room
- If you are well-prepared,confident, and determined to have fun in the audition, you won't have time to think about being nervous.
3. Auditions have changed- Don't just stand and sing- MOVE
- It's okay to move around and act out your audition piece
- Move with confidence so they can really see what you are expressing
- Movement will also free your voice and keep wobbly legs from nerves under control
4. Know Yourself
- What are your strengths as a person and as a singer? Be honest with yourself and then bring those attributes to the table. Take time to find your strengths.
At an audition where you select the repertoire, pick it carefully:
* If you are funny, make sure you have a couple of comedic selections in your repertoire
* If you know you sing faster songs best, start with an Allegro selection
* If you know you express sadness well in singing, start with a depressing aria
At an audition where they select one song to sing:
* Research the music. Know it's history so you can act it out accurately
* Make it YOURS from there and add your own personality/interpretation
* Be your (funny, happy, pleasant) self in the room no matter what!
You make the most of each audition by bringing your best prepared dish (song) to the table and letting the auditors feast on (listen to) the knowledge that you are talented and will be a pleasure with which to work. Happy Auditioning!
Great article for singers and all musicians who need some solid auditioning advice!