Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Auditions- What else do you need to know besides your part?

Auditions are such a large part of our world as musicians.  How do you know you are auditioning for the right things and that you will be successful at your next audition?

First of all, do your homework.  Make sure you know the demands of the role for which you are auditioning. Is it a soprano role but you are an alto? If so, it may not be the best fit.  To maximize your chances, make sure you are auditioning for the appropriate role.

What are the requirements of the opera house, theater, or school.  Is it a paid or volunteer job?  What is the length of the rehearsal run and run of the show?  Can you commit to those times and does it fit into your world?

On the flip side, if it is a college audition, can you minor in music as well or only major?  Do they have a Voice Major and a Musical Theater Major?  Plan your audition material appropriately.

Secondly, know how your audition material fits into the whole.  What is the role that you are auditioning for?  Are you the sweet soprano who falls in love with the mischievous villain?   Are you the joker of the cast?  Research your role and how it should be played.  Apply it to your audition material.

Know the history behind the opera or musical you are auditioning for.  What era was it written in so what is stylistically appropriate?

Thirdly,  prepare the audition selection with that knowledge and apply it to how you sing all of those correct pitches and rhythms.  Communicate the song.  Show the emotion of the song or act out the scene a little bit to show that you don't just stand still and sing in German and have no clue what you are saying.  Singing is a means of communication no matter what language you are singing in.

Lastly, be prepared for anything and be courteous and polite to all of those at the audition:  those who check in the singers to audition, the judges, and fellow auditioners.  A little kindness goes a long way!

Stay tuned next week for what to do when you actually GET to the audition site!

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