Continually Evolving
– Your voice is continually evolving as an instrument. You as a singer grow and grow older. Your voice is a different instrument at 16
than at 25 and different at 32 than at 54.
It continues to evolve as you grow older and gain life experiences. Our body cells, life situation, stressors in
life are constantly changing. It is so
important that you keep on track with what your body and mind are saying about
where you are with your singing.
The experiences that you have as a 16 year old high school
student are completely different than those of a 25 year old newly on their own
in the world. A 32 year old who has had
success as a singer but now is married with one or two children and a spouse to
consider has different experiences than they did as a single 25 year old. The list goes on. When your body is your instrument, the
stressors of life and decisions that you make really can change where your
singing goes.
A singer at all ages
and experience levels must pay attention to body and mind signals- What works
and what doesn’t work for you as a singer and as a person? Can you go out with friends the night before
a big performance or do you know that you will be much better off if you stay
at home and go to bed early? Do you sing
best after doing a short cardiovascular workout and a few yoga poses? Do you sing best after a small bland
carbohydrate snack or on a relatively empty stomach?
Life changes. What
works for you today may not work 10 years from now. Sure some things will stay the same, but keep
listening to your body and mind and take care of them both to make yourself be
the best singer you can be! What are the
generalizations of how to take care of yourself as a singer?