Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Resolution: Eat Better and fuel your instrument, making a better singing voice!

Part 5

Resolution: Eat Better and fuel your instrument, making a better singing voice!

How can what I eat impact my singing voice?  In so many ways!  Think about the old adage, ‘you are what you eat’.  Well, you are your instrument, so truer words could not be spoken. 

Give it a try: Up the number of fruits and vegetables that you eat.  Healthy, lean proteins give you long lasting energy.  Think about the food fueling your voice! 

As performers and musicians, we are subject to late night performances and hunger afterwards or running from rehearsal to rehearsal.  Find some healthy but quick things to snack on or fill that hunger void.  A small bag of nuts and fruit, a bowl of cereal with protein, or when you have more time, a salad with grilled chicken.  Watch eating acidic foods and dairy before singing (think pizza, tomato  sauce or yogurt).  If you think ahead, you can stay fueled and stay healthy to fuel your awesome singing voice!

Try eating a small, well-balanced meal before rehearsal or a lesson and adding a stash of healthy snacks to your rehearsal bag.  Add a large bottle of water and you are well on your way!

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