Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stresses of the New Year on a Singer and How to Manage it All - Planning, Staying Healthy, and Yoga are Useful!

Now that we are all in the midst of the schedules of the New Year, stresses may be piling upon you. The new year brings many silver linings, a fresh start, and a number of possibilities, but also the stress of how to accomplish it all.

Did you practice enough for your audition for the show? How are you going to learn all of those lyrics by your recital?  When are you going to study for that exam when you have to memorize your song? How are you going to stay healthy for your singing lessons?   How can you not be overwhelmed?

First off, breathe, relax and map out a course of action.  When carefully planned out, most people can achieve their goals.  Singing is no exception.

* Establish your singing goals and your time line.  Figure out when is the best time for you to practice, what you need to practice, and then how often and for how long you need to practice in order to get that all accomplished.  Write it in your planner or put reminders on your phone and start practicing.

* Next, take some quiet practice time to memorize the lyrics and get emotionally connected to the text of your songs.  Take a break from studying for your exams to analyze the text or speak the words like a monologue.  It will take you far.

* Stay away from those who are sick when at all possible and wash those hands!  Drink water and get plenty of rest to assure your body will fight off any illness that may come your way.  It doesn't hurt to eat an apple, orange, or have a little extra Vitamin C along the way!

* Get some physical exercise to get out some of your stress.  Cardiovascular activity is great for the mind to work at its best.  You get out aggravation which is calming.  Your heart pumping harder gets your air flowing better through your lungs.  You then use your air better when singing!

* Yoga is excellent practice for singers as well.  It relaxes you and "gives you the power to better understand your body" Emilie Smith.  Once you understand your body better, the more quickly you respond to its signals.   When your body is in alignment through yoga, you use it the most efficiently when you sing.  Air flows more freely through a body with good yet relaxed posture.  Your mind can function more quickly on fixing things that are not quite right.  If you are starting to get sick, you recognize it quicker and may start going to bed earlier.  

Here is a quick yoga series, a modified Yoga for Everyday Athletes  (Jen Ator, Self Magazine 2012), that may help you in your singing (and recovering from tough physical workouts):

1. Downward-Facing Dog - Stretches the whole body and improves circulation and flexibility

2. High Lunge OR Warrior I - Strengthens feet and ankles while stretching hip flexors to open the body for better breathing.  Warrior I is an empowering pose which stretches you while building confidence with lifting your heart to the sky.

3. Twisted Lunge - Opens the chest, shoulders, and lower ribcage for better breathing

4. Dolphin - Stretches shoulder and chest muscles (again enhancing breathing)

5. Pigeon - Stretches thighs and hip flexors opening more space and freedom in the body

6. Legs up on the wall - Relieves back pain and tired legs or feet to rejuvenate you to sing!

Click here to see a Tutorial for Yoga for Athletes Modified for Singers

How do you manage your stress and keep singing?

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