Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What do you do and what can you do to take care of your singing voice at this precious holiday performance time?

Ah, the cold and flu season is upon us!  What do you do and what can you do to take care of your singing voice at this precious time?  You want to share your joys and talents at the holiday season and you get sick. What do you do?  How do you lessen the impact?

It cannot be said enough times, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY and PRACTIC GOOD HYGIENE!  No matter where you go you can pick up a bug that can make the busy holiday performance season rough. 

What are the top 10 things you can do to prevent getting sick and get through it if you do?

1. Wash your hands and keep hands away from your mouth and face.

2. Get enough sleep.  (At least 8 hours a night)

3. Drink lots of water.  Aim for 64 oz per day.

4. Eat well.  You are what you eat.

5. Exercise in moderation (it will help get the germs out!)

6. Take Vitamin C, Echinachea, or a cold remedy like Zicam.

7. Use nasal saline spray.  First thing in the morning and before you go to sleep.

8. Put a humidifier in your bedroom.

9. Gargle with salt water.

10.  Save it for performing:  Minimize talking and practice mentally as best you can if you do catch a cold.

More tips on keeping a healthy voice found at  Allergy tips

What are your top tips for staying healthy in this busy singing season?

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