Thursday, May 14, 2020

Reduce Your Anxiety and Improve Your Overall Well-Being with Yoga, Pilates, and Singing Part 4

So many similarities between Pilates practice in general and singing, but the most important practical move to use for our singing is the PLANK!  I have a challenge to all singers out there, add 2 planks of 30-60 seconds a piece before practicing.  It is ideal to to this on your toes, but on knees is a good start.  Try adding this to the beginning of practicing for a week or two.  How does it impact your practice that day?  Take note if anything and what changes about your singing.  Write it down and then process, what does this do for your singing?  What does it do for your mind?

Try it and then respond to this blog post.  Then check back in.  How does it impact what you are doing?  Does your body remember what to do better then when standing?  I will post more thoughts next week and a few more moves.  Join me in improving your singing and your mind!  We will do a check-in on the affects of your planks in 2 weeks!


  1. Susan, I do 3 different types of planks as part of my workout routine. But I have not tried it before I sing. I will give it a shot!

  2. Great! It really makes you focus on your support from the first note! Let me know how it goes!
