When singing, the body needs to feel a sense of movement and buoyancy rather- than feeling static, tense and frozen. The movement must not distract from the singing of the piece, but can enhance the overall sound created. Air flow requires freedom in the body- proper posture and alignment facilitates this. Breath flow can be increased through
- Gentle stretches for relaxation of muscles (neck, face, torso, legs)- Core strengthening (Pilates)( www.pilates-pro.com)
- Improving mind/body awareness (Yoga and Pilates)
When you are aware of your body and its movements and tensions, you can notice any tensions in your body or stressors in your mind more quickly and reduce them before they inhibit your singing. Your mind, body and spirit work as one for a healthy singer. Stay tuned for more in Part 3 of 4 of Interpretation and Movement : Pilates Study and the Affect on Singing
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